Multibot-multithreaded trading platform in the cloud
Multibot platform is aimed at solving the problem of user interaction with cryptocurrency exchanges and continuous monitoring of the market, at the maximum number of trading platforms. Based on and using the advantages of the SaaS model, the platform is designed to lower the threshold of entry into the exchange trade in cryptocurrencies.
Automated tools that do not require installation, with an intuitive interface and working 24/7 in the web -cloud will provide protection and capital turnover, eliminate manual labor and take advantage of the volatility of the cryptocurrency for profit. Unlike other existing tools, it accumulates a maximum set of tools and services.
The platform allows you to start using a few simple steps, regardless of the availability of hardware and other software, since it is available from anywhere in the world, with pre-defined settings and tools for successfully solving the main tasks.

ICO Details

What is the Multibot token: The Multibot token a.k.a. the MultiBot platform share, gives the right to participate in the profits of the company. All token holders are entitled to receiving dividends according to their shares. At the end of the ICO, 50% of the company’s profits will be distributed among all sold tokens.
Pay out procedure :Every 3 months the profit will be converted and sent to the Ethereum wallet, from which it will be distributed to the wallets of Multibot tokens holders according to the conditions of the smart contract.
Reduction: MBT
All tokens: 25,000,000 (twenty five million) tokens
Regulation: Unsold tokens are burnt
Initial value of the token: Fixed — $1
ICO Structure
Multibot collects funds for the launch, promotion and development of the
platform. For this purpose, Multibot (MBT) investment tokens, corresponding to the ERC20 standard5 have been issued and are a smart contract based on the Ethereum platform6.The platform will ensure the storage of collected funds and the disposal of them as necessary.

What to do with MBT tokens?
Earn dividend or trade at the stock exchange
Every 3 months, 50% of the profit from the platform paid services are sent to the Ethereum wallet that contains the smart contract. Then ETH is redistributed proportionately between all holders of Multibot tokens in accordance with the conditions of the smart contract.
To receive dividends, MBT should be stored in an Ethereum wallet, which supports the ERC20-compliant token, for example, MyEtherWallet,Parity or Mist.
You can also trade MBT at exchanges, to which the token will be added after the ICO.
Name of the token: token MBT — shared smart contract Multibot.
Token Multibot grants the right to share in the platform’s profits. The share of
50% of the platform’s profit is distributed to all active tokens.

Payout procedure:
After the start of the platform, at the end of each quarter, 50% of the distributed profit is transferred to the Ethereum (ETH) purse, after which the ETH is distributed among holders of MBT tokens in accordance with the data of the smart contract (according to the percentage of tokens of their total number).

Initial value of the token:
When a smart contract is published on the Etherum network, the initial value of tokens is set at 25,000,000 MBT. Unsold tokens, at the end of the ICO will be destroyed.

Original price:
The cost of one token is set at $1 per token.

Token distribution:
• Users: 95%
• Founders: 3%
• Bounty Company: 2%

Platform for working with exchanges

Reliable automation of trading processes and monitoring the situation at the market of cryptocurrencies

Flexible functionality for automating the work with cryptocurrency exchanges.

Simultaneous work at several exchanges with a lot of currency pairs.
High stability thanks to the use of cloud technologies.

An independent work area for each client, with a separate IP address for API requests.

Multibot Roadmap
The project is in a pre-release condition, with partially realized instruments and coverage of several platforms (Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Wex (formerly BTC)).Since the project provides many ideas, and is aimed at maximum coverage ofexchanges, we will gradually expand and enhance the platform’s capabilities according to our Roadmap.
Below you can find a step-by-step plan that covers the main points of future
opportunities. Each point is conceived as an enhancement of the capabilities of the platform and will be expanded and supplemented as it is implemented based on the market situation and the wishes of users. All points of the roadmap will be implemented with time, regardless of the results.

The main priority in the development of the Multibot platform is the safety of
user’s funds. Serious attention is planned to be given to checking the operation of tools and data security.

All tools and the platform will be tested for a long time with the involvement of security specialists in computer systems. Additional functionality to prepare for the release requires closed testing, after which investors and subscribers will receive priority early access to new features.
Team Member
Details Information :

Posted By : Doni Ariyanto
BitcoinTalk profile Link :;u=1098736

My ETH Wallet :0xe92958863d8A954041CC261b1A2ce13f647ecAc6
